Meditation is the act of using certain techniques to become more self-aware or focus your mind. Some of those techniques are mental, some are physical, and some combine both.
For example, prayer can be a form of meditation, but so can deep breathing. Meditation also comes in many other forms, but each type of meditation can have multiple benefits.
For example, meditation can reduce stress, create more mental focus, and can even help you sleep more soundly. In turn, those benefits can improve your work performance, as well as your personal life.
Here are 9 ways to incorporate meditation into your daily routine and focus your mind more.
1. Take Deep Breaths
Deep breathing can be an excellent form of meditation. It is also a simple one you can do anywhere at any time.
For the best results, shut your eyes. Then, inhale slowly and hold the breath in for a few seconds. Exhale slowly and open your eyes again.
Repeat the steps as many times in a row as you have time for in the moment. Five or ten deep breaths at least a few times per day is ideal.
You can schedule time for deep breathing around meal breaks or squeeze them in when you have time, such as:
- While on a Walk
- Whenever You Are a Passenger in a Car, Train, Bus, Plane Etc.
- When You Are Waiting for Other Participants Prior to the Start of a Meeting
- As Soon as You Wake Up or Before Bed
2. Install a Meditation App on Your Phone
There are many meditation apps available for cell phones today. Some offer guided meditation routines. Others provide reminders to meditate throughout the day.
There are even apps that provide tips to help you stay more mindful of yourself and others and hone your observation skills.
You may need to assess a few apps before you find one you like. Once you do, use it daily to keep your meditation habits on track.
3. Practice Early Morning Meditation
Early morning meditation can be an excellent option because it can calm you down and focus your energy for whatever tasks the day has in store.
You can also customize your morning meditation routine to fit your schedule, habits, and desires. For example, you can opt for five minutes of meditation while sitting on your bed or an hour of meditation while going for a neighborhood walk.
Although, the latter may require you to get up earlier to stay on schedule. Other morning meditation options include:
- Stretching Exercises
- Yoga
- Reading
- Praying
- Listening to Guided Audio Meditation
4. Use Line Meditation to Pass the Time and Put Good Vibes into the Universe
Many people hate waiting in line. Yet, everyone must do it at some point or another.
Next time you are waiting in line somewhere, do not view it as being stuck or wasting time. Use the time constructively to meditate by practicing awareness techniques and observing the people around you.
Smile and think good thoughts about them to help all of you stay calmer. You can also use the time standing in line to observe your surroundings.
Practice techniques like closing your eyes and trying to remember the layout of the room to focus your mental energy. Over time, such techniques may help you improve your memory and general powers of observation.
5. Find a Local Nature Area You Like and Visit it Before or After Work
There is nothing quite like nature to calm and relax a person. Simply looking at a forest, mountain, or body of water can have an instant calming effect on your mind.
It can even help physically relax muscles within the body. Find some type of local nature area you like and use it as your go-to spot to meditate before or after work.
The beautiful natural view can help you prepare for the day ahead or let the day’s stressors slowly wash away. Even if you only have five minutes to stay, it is five minutes well spent.
6. Schedule a Designated Meditation Time
You may find it more beneficial to schedule a designated meditation time. That is especially true if you want to participate in lengthier forms of meditation, such as listening to an hour-long meditation podcast or taking a specific class, such as yoga.
Scheduled meditation time in advance can be an excellent way to make sure you get daily meditation time in without sacrificing other important meetings or events.
Also, you can still incorporate unscheduled extra breathing exercises or other forms of meditation into each day, even if you have scheduled meditation periods.
7. Involve Your Co-Workers in Meditation Plans
Group meditation may seem strange at first, but it can be an excellent way to build a rapport with co-workers. In fact, some companies use it to help build cohesiveness among members of specific teams.
Meditating with co-workers at set times also gives all of you accountability partners. Therefore, forgetting to meditate or intentionally skipping meditation time is less likely.
Your meditation group can agree to take ten minutes at a certain time each day to meditate or meet for longer meditation sessions before or after work.
8. Read More
Reading is an activity many consider therapeutic and meditative. You can use reading to relax in whatever spare minutes you have.
If you practice a specific religion, take time to read religious texts and clear your mind once a day. If not, simply read a chapter or two of a favorite book.
9. Find Your Own Creative and Meditative Hobby
Often, something that helps one person focus his or her mental energy does not help another person do the same. You may find some of the techniques above do not work for you.
If so, a good option is to find a hobby that feels therapeutic and meditative to you, personally. For example, you may feel most at ease when listening to music.
On the other hand, you may get the most relaxation out of activities like painting, hiking, or boating. Whatever activity helps you focus and relax the most, make time for it at least a couple times each week.
By Admin –