Are you interested in participating in a paid clinical study? Taking part in clinical studies can be a great way to make some easy, quick, and effortless cash. In this article, you can learn about some opportunities for high paying clinical trials, earning as much as $10,000! Plus, find out the pros and cons of participating in a paid study.
However, there could be pros and cons to using clinical studies as a means for extra cash. It can be best to understand the benefits and the hindrances to being a clinical study participant before making any commitments.
Online clinical trials have paid massive amounts of money to experimental patients in recent years, and are expected to collectively spend almost seventy billion dollars per year by 2025. Read ahead to learn valuable information about the pros and cons of clinical studies today.
Clinical Studies 101
Clinical studies, also oftentimes referred to as clinical trials, are an integral part of scientific advancement. Studies are oftentimes conducted on new medications, under-review medical procedures, and biological processes. Human behavior and the human condition are also studied intensely under varying extremities and supervised conditions.
Depending on the specific clinical study, the clinical trial facilitators may use either volunteer participants or paid participants in their studies to obtain their results. The items being tested or that are used in the tests can sometimes involve genetic or biological products, but not always. Clinical studies can also involve physical, medicinal and medical. Clinical paid studies and trials are conducted in phases.
Each phase has a specific purpose pursuant to proper dosages, safety, comparisons with market competition and approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Types of Clinical Studies
Various types of clinical studies exist. The focus of medical trials is to test the effects of new medications. Clinical trials conducted by the FDA research the efficacy and safety of various products before they are made public on the open market. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) performs clinical studies pursuant to health and behavioral health services, clinical outcomes and epidemiology.
Some people who get paid to participate in clinical trials have cancer. Studies conducted by the Targeted Agent and Profiling Utilization Registry (TAPUR) are non-randomized clinical trials, which utilize FDA-approved anti-cancer medications on patients who have potentially actionable genomic alteration from advanced cancers.
Differences exist between non-randomized and randomized trials. Non-randomized clinical studies are facilitated in primarily ideal conditions whenever possible. Randomized clinical trials, also referred to as blind tests/studies, do not reveal which participants receive actual medicines and which receive placebos. Some randomized studies also do not use controls.
Finding The Highest-Paid Types of Clinical Trials Earning As High As $10,000
Finding paid clinical trials near you involves some up-front research. Utilizing government-facilitated websites is often the most reliable and effective method for searches.
For example, ClinicalTrials.gov provides information on paid trials available for various purposes. Additional resources to help you get paid to participate in clinical trials include:
- NIH Clinical Center Trials.
- ResearchMatch.org.
- COVID-19 Prevention Network.
- MiamiClinicalReseach.com
- Johns Hopkins Medicine (Clinical Trials).
- Acurian Health.
Oftentimes, the highest paid types of clinical trials are medical-related. These trials may cover any sort of medical issue. For those people who may not be in the healthiest shape, whether you are obese or slightly overweight, diabetic, a smoker, or even a perfectly healthy person, smoker, the resources above can be used to find a medical study you can participate in.
Simple studies covering medical topics such as migraines, diabetes, or depression, studies typically can pay anywhere between $300 to $1000.
For medical studies that cover rarer or less common ailments, such as gastroparesis or ulcerative colitis, study subjects can often earn between $500 and $1000.
There’s usually no limit to how many clinical studies you can participate in. Once you begin doing more of them, these hundreds of dollars definitely start to add up.
Pros and Cons of Clinical Studies
Paid studies and clinical trials are potentially dangerous. They are also significantly beneficial to humankind in general and individual patients with critical illnesses who respond well to experimental treatments. Before you participate in any clinical trial or study it is vital to understand the risks and benefits you face.
The pros of clinical trials relate to society at large and individual participants alike. The primary purpose of a clinical study is to discover new and effective treatments for serious diseases and conditions. When this goal is achieved, people suffering from critical illnesses across the U.S. and around the world can benefit.
Clinical trials are facilitated by top-tier medical professionals and highly-trained scientists. Access to the level of treatment and medical supervision provided in paid studies is a rare benefit to participants in search of solutions for their diseases.
Another advantage for participants of clinical trials is the ability to use medication unavailable to other patients anywhere else. Sometimes, this benefit is life-saving for people with highly dangerous illnesses or diseases. New experimental medications are occasionally more effective than older products on the market. Paid trial participants get the added benefit of earning supplemental income.
For people suffering from debilitating illnesses, this is often a financial relief. Finally, as a participant of a clinical study, you can get access to increased amounts of blood tests, general check-ups and other testing procedures. Even as a healthy participant, this type of treatment offers comfort for many people who have questions about their overall health.
The pros of clinical studies for the world at large include improved and expanded knowledge about medication development and multiple diseases. Treatments for cancer patients in the future are improved as well.
Side-effects and dangers posed by current medications on the market might also be eliminated.
When people volunteer or get paid to participate in clinical trials, they take on certain risks. All prospective new treatments are tested on laboratory animals before experimented with on human beings.
Treatments displaying adequate safety profile statistics are escalated to human trials but they are still newly introduced to the human body. Treatments are not always as effective as those already on the market.
In blind studies, you do not know if you get the real treatment or a placebo. Unexpected side effects/interactions can be serious and sometimes deadly. Occasionally, it can be hard to find paid clinical trials you can trust.
Your time is often dominated by trial requirements when you participate for either money, as a volunteer or simply in hope of a cure for yourself. Clinical trials are often demanding and inconvenient, involving time away from loved ones.
Some trials also involve frequent commutes. Paperwork and qualification requirements for clinical trials are often tedious and intense. Participating in phases 1 and 2 of clinical trials can be significantly riskier than participating in phases 3 and 4 because more information is known about the tested medications once those latter phases are reached.
Finally, some of the money you earn for participating in paid studies can be lost due to time away from work and expenses involved with travel and commutes.
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