9 Scientifically Proven Ways to Boost Your Memory

Updated on 05/24/2022

Memory problems are a collectively serious problem for many adults in the U.S. today regardless of age. It is true memory issues are commonly associated with elderly people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. 

The truth is problems with memory also start in people of younger ages and those who experience traumatic events. 

Many therapeutic and natural ways to improve memory are available today. Memory games, meditation, exercise, and natural supplements all help under the right conditions. Read ahead to learn more about the top 8 scientifically proven ways to boost your memory in 2023.

Improve Your Memory and Battle Memory Loss

The need to improve memory and/or battle memory loss is not limited to the elderly. Multiple methods to reverse the loss of memory are promoted in modern times for young adults through senior citizens. When it comes to memory and healthy brain activity, however, consumers prefer to put their trust into methods backed by science.

Memory loss causes come from multiple sources. Changing your diet and exercising counter some memory issues caused by biological and chemical reactions to food choices and immobility. Calming your breathing through breathing exercises and meditation helps improve the flow of oxygen to your brain. Certain memory games and training programs also help counter poor memory, but which options are scientifically proven to work?

Top 9 Ways to Boost Your Memory – Backed by Science!

What type of memory loss treatment is right for me? This is a question asked by everyone concerned about regaining or protecting their cognitive and memory-based functions. The best way to improve memory is to find a safe method backed by science, which is effective for your needs. The top 8 scientifically supported ways to boost your memory in 2023 are:

Association Techniques (Mnemonics)
Association Techniques (Mnemonics)

Using association techniques such as mnemonics devices helps boost memory in people of all ages. Memory association involves using existing knowledge and pleasant/positive thoughts to assist in the recall of harder to remember items. Associate important phone calls, family names and medication routines with sights, smells and sounds you love. The Method of Loci is a mnemonic technique, which improves poor memory by associating your memories with a geographical location.

Reduce Sugar Intake
Reduce Sugar Intake

Excessive sugar consumption is associated with long term memory loss in adults and short-term memory issues in children. Changing your diet to reduce your sugar intake helps your overall metabolism and health. Eating less sugar specifically helps your brain and memory get back to normal functionality faster.

Reduce Stress
Reduce Stress

Stress causes numerous biological, physiological, and neurological problems. Experiencing abnormally high and prolonged amounts of stress also causes you to lose focus on important things you need to remember. Reduce stress to improve brain function, memory, and your overall quality of life.

Increase Physical Activity
Increase Physical Activity

Exercise not only improves your overall fitness, but also increases oxygen to your brain cells. Your brain relies on a proper supply of oxygen to function at full capacity. When you increase your physical activity the extra oxygen to your brain helps improve your memory issues as well. 

The exercise does not have to be intense to have a positive effect on your memory. Cardiovascular exercise does help get your blood flowing and increase your intake of necessary oxygen levels. Simply walking around the block or making one extra trip up/down the steps each day also helps improve your memory, however. Additionally, the organizing and scheduling of exercise session’s function both as a collective associative and structural memory loss treatment.

Read Out Loud
Read Out Loud

Overcome the self-conscious resistance to hearing yourself read out loud and watch your memory problems disappear faster. When you read out loud you force your brain to function in a different manner than it does when you read silently. 

The process helps activate previously dormant or sluggish brain cell functions. Reading out loud is also one of the best and most natural ways to improve memory because it forces your brain to consume information then process, release, hear and reprocess it.


Even though it appears to be the opposite of reading out loud, meditation is also an important effective way to combat long term memory loss. Meditation serves as a preventative treatment for memory issues by improving focus and concentration skills. 

Meditation also utilizes deep breathing techniques, which improves the oxygen received by your brain. Reducing stress was already discussed but is worth noting again in context with meditative techniques. One of the primary benefits of meditation is a reduction in stress, which as you now know also helps improve memory function.

Add Cocoa Flavanols to Your Diet
Add Cocoa Flavanols to Your Diet

Many supplements to improve memory are on the market in 2021. Scientific research shows how adding cocoa flavanols to your diet helps improve your memory function. Studies also indicate this is especially true for the elderly. 

Excessive intake of sugary chocolate products is not recommended and in fact likely produces a result opposite of the desired effect. Flavanols, however, are part of a food compound group referred to as polyphenols. Adding the flavanols found in cocoa, broccoli, olive oil, leeks and red wine to your diet is effective for sustaining and strengthening memory.

Increase Structure and Organization
Increase Structure and Organization

Organizing information you need to remember helps make it easier to process. Each person’s preferred method of organization is unique but conceptually-speaking, breaking down larger amounts of information into smaller sections makes it easier to recall. 

Structure the things you need to remember daily into an obvious routine as well. This helps you remember important tasks such as taking medications and keeping appointments.

Utilize Brain Training Apps, Programs and Games
Utilize Brain Training Apps, Programs and Games

Brain training apps programs and games such as Luminosity and CogniFit use fun and creativity to boost your memory but are no less effective for it. In fact, it is scientifically proven how introducing fun and entertainment as an association technique for remembering important daily information/tasks works for people of all ages. This is part of why brain training programs such as Crosswords, Sudoku, FitBrains and Elevate are both popular and trusted by consumers today.